New Year, New You?


If you're anything like me, you will have entered the new year amidst a barrage of familiar refrains, advocating various ways to find the 'new you' – by committing to some resolution; abstaining from alcohol (aka 'Dry January' ); cutting out meat and dairy ('Veganuary' anyone?); by joining a gym or taking up any of a number of recurring or fashionable fads.

I hate to break it to you – but there's no new 'you' to be found.

As worthy as some of these initiatives may be, the chances of any of them really taking hold, and actually leading to significant and lasting changes in your life, are slim to none.

We all sense this anyway, which is why these initiatives are trotted out each year, but then closely followed by waves of antipathy, cynicism or out-and-out protest (witness the 'Dry January' backlash, on a facebook newsfeed near you)

And yet... there is clearly something lurking behind all this, which connects with a deep truth and desire in all (well, most) of us. An urge to 'reset' ourselves – to cast away things which are holding us back, and connect with a 'better' version of ourselves, and live a more fulfilling life. The New Year presents itself as an optimal time to do this, or at least contemplate doing it.

But this is easier said than done. It's no simple task. And certainly, not one which is easy to tackle by ourselves. Yes, it takes a personal commitment and intention, but genuine, lasting change is not something we can easily achieve on our own, without the support of others.

This is why I offer support to people who AREN'T content with the status quo, but ARE intent on making a significant and lasting change to their lives.

If you starting out in 2019 with this inclination, I invite you to get in touch, and find out how I can support you to realise the purpose and fulfillment in your life you are hankering for.

If this sounds like you, complete this form and get in touch to arrange a FREE 30 min consultation*

*Be warned – this is not for the faint of heart. My one-to-one coaching is designed exclusively for people who are committed to building a life which is aligned with their heart and purpose – whatever it takes.